Scorpion Automotive Ltd Apps

BDi Tracking v1.2.1
BDi Tracking is a market leading GPS/GSM Fleet Tracking&Management System BDi Tracking allows you to manage yourvehiclesand drivers with precision. Know their exact whereaboutswhilstincreasing productivity, saving time and money. The productisBritish designed and manufactured by Scorpion Automotive -atrusted brand established in vehicle security since 1973.ImportantNote: This mobile app is for the exclusive use ofcustomers of theBDi Tracking Tracking & Management System. BDiTracking trackerdevices must be installed in your vehicle(s) inorder for the appto operate and users to access the product’s manyfeatures andbenefits available from both the app and a web-basedportal.Details of the product are availableat: your nearest Scorpion Authorised Dealervisit: BDi TrackingBenefits· Drastically reduce your fleet costs with savingspotential onfuel usage, overtime claims, unauthorised use, vehiclewear &tear and insurance. · Improve productivity by managingyourvehicles and drivers with precision using real timemaps,dashboards and allocating work to drivers in closest proximitytoyour customer’s locations. · Satisfy HMRC Regulationssupportingprivate and business mileage reporting. · Improvecustomer serviceby empowering a pro-active and immediate responseto yourcustomer’s needs. · Better fulfil Employer’s duty ofcare,regulatory and company policy compliance · Opt forInsuranceApproved, Thatcham accredited 24/7/365 Theft Monitoringandsuspicious activities including vehicle movement withoutignitionand battery disconnections generate alerts to ourMonitoringCentre. Our trained monitoring staff will contact youwith vehiclemovement details in order to confirm a theft. In theevent of atheft, the team closely co-ordinate with Police Forcesthroughoutthe country to track and secure the vehicle. ProductFeatures ·Live mapping & updates showing vehicle positions,speed,bearing and ignition state · Know Exact Vehicle Locations -Oursystem converts every vehicle location into a meaningful address·Full Google Maps & Street Integration · CustomisableDashboardand KPIs · Powerful Instant and Scheduled Reporting thatcan beviewed online or exported to PDF, Excel or HTML forfurtherprocessing · Assign Vehicle Groups - Define, group andfilter yourfleet by depot, type or purpose. · 24/7/365 Email and/ortextMessage Alerts · Custom Geofences enabling you todesignatespecific areas where your vehicles are allowed, prohibitedor ameans of gauging arrival/departure times on your customersites. ·Business and Private Mileage - Easily save and retrievebusinessand private mileage reporting. · External Auxiliaries -Extendfunctionality by choosing from a range of custom controlsandsensors for your specific business needs such as: dooropen/closedand panic buttons · Administration – Monitor and controlexactlywhich actions each user of the system is allowed to performthroughpermission controlled access.
ScorpionTrack Fleet 2.1.4
ScorpionTrack, market leading fleet tracking.
Triumph Track+ 1.0.7
Triumph Track+ Tracking system
Fleetcore v1.1.24
Fleetcore is a market leading GPS/GSM Fleet Tracking&Management System Fleetcore allows you to manage your vehiclesanddrivers with precision. Know their exact whereaboutswhilstincreasing productivity, saving time and money. The productisBritish designed and manufactured by Scorpion Automotive -atrusted brand established in vehicle security since 1973.ImportantNote: This mobile app is for the exclusive use ofcustomers of theFleetcore Tracking & Management System.Fleetcore trackerdevices must be installed in your vehicle(s) inorder for the appto operate and users to access the product’s manyfeatures andbenefits available from both the app and a web-basedportal.Details of the product are availableat: your nearest Scorpion Authorised Dealervisit: FleetcoreBenefits ·Drastically reduce your fleet costs with savingspotential on fuelusage, overtime claims, unauthorised use, vehiclewear & tearand insurance. · Improve productivity by managingyour vehicles anddrivers with precision using real time maps,dashboards andallocating work to drivers in closest proximity toyour customer’slocations. · Satisfy HMRC Regulations supportingprivate andbusiness mileage reporting. · Improve customer servicebyempowering a pro-active and immediate response to yourcustomer’sneeds. · Better fulfil Employer’s duty of care,regulatory andcompany policy compliance · Opt for InsuranceApproved, Thatchamaccredited 24/7/365 Theft Monitoring andsuspicious activitiesincluding vehicle movement without ignitionand batterydisconnections generate alerts to our Monitoring Centre.Ourtrained monitoring staff will contact you with vehiclemovementdetails in order to confirm a theft. In the event of atheft, theteam closely co-ordinate with Police Forces throughoutthe countryto track and secure the vehicle. Product Features · Livemapping& updates showing vehicle positions, speed, bearingandignition state · Know Exact Vehicle Locations - Our systemconvertsevery vehicle location into a meaningful address · FullGoogle Maps& Street Integration · Customisable Dashboard andKPIs ·Powerful Instant and Scheduled Reporting that can be viewedonlineor exported to PDF, Excel or HTML for further processing ·AssignVehicle Groups - Define, group and filter your fleet bydepot, typeor purpose. · 24/7/365 Email and/or text Message Alerts· CustomGeofences enabling you to designate specific areas whereyourvehicles are allowed, prohibited or a means ofgaugingarrival/departure times on your customer sites. · BusinessandPrivate Mileage - Easily save and retrieve business andprivatemileage reporting. · External Auxiliaries - Extendfunctionality bychoosing from a range of custom controls andsensors for yourspecific business needs such as: door open/closedand panic buttons· Administration – Monitor and control exactlywhich actions eachuser of the system is allowed to perform throughpermissioncontrolled access.
Datatool 2.2.24
Datatool, market leading stolen motorcycle tracking
Guard Pro 1.0.2
Guard Pro is a market leading GPS/GSM Tracking & ManagementSystem Guard Pro allows you to manage your vehicles and driverswith precision. Know their exact whereabouts whilst increasingproductivity, saving time and money. The product is Britishdesigned and manufactured by Scorpion Automotive - a trusted brandestablished in vehicle security since 1973. Important Note: Thismobile app is for the exclusive use of customers of the Guard ProTracking & Management System. Guard Pro tracker devices must beinstalled in your vehicle(s) in order for the app to operate andusers to access the product’s many features and benefits availablefrom both the app and a web-based portal. Guard Pro Benefits ·Drastically reduce your fleet costs with savings potential on fuelusage, overtime claims, unauthorised use, vehicle wear & tearand insurance. · Improve productivity by managing your vehicles anddrivers with precision using real time maps, dashboards andallocating work to drivers in closest proximity to your customer’slocations. · Satisfy HMRC Regulations supporting private andbusiness mileage reporting. · Improve customer service byempowering a pro-active and immediate response to your customer’sneeds. · Better fulfil Employer’s duty of care, regulatory andcompany policy compliance · Opt for Insurance Approved, Thatchamaccredited 24/7/365 Theft Monitoring and suspicious activitiesincluding vehicle movement without ignition and batterydisconnections generate alerts to our Monitoring Centre. Ourtrained monitoring staff will contact you with vehicle movementdetails in order to confirm a theft. In the event of a theft, theteam closely co-ordinate with Police Forces throughout the countryto track and secure the vehicle. Product Features · Live mapping& updates showing vehicle positions, speed, bearing andignition state · Know Exact Vehicle Locations - Our system convertsevery vehicle location into a meaningful address · Full Google Maps& Street Integration · Customisable Dashboard and KPIs ·Powerful Instant and Scheduled Reporting that can be viewed onlineor exported to PDF, Excel or HTML for further processing · AssignVehicle Groups - Define, group and filter your fleet by depot, typeor purpose. · 24/7/365 Email and/or text Message Alerts · CustomGeofences enabling you to designate specific areas where yourvehicles are allowed, prohibited or a means of gaugingarrival/departure times on your customer sites. · Business andPrivate Mileage - Easily save and retrieve business and privatemileage reporting. · External Auxiliaries - Extend functionality bychoosing from a range of custom controls and sensors for yourspecific business needs such as: door open/closed and panic buttons· Administration – Monitor and control exactly which actions eachuser of the system is allowed to perform through permissioncontrolled access.
ScorpionTrack 2.2.12
ScorpionTrack, market leading vehicle tracking.
Safe Track Asset 2.1.27
SafeTrack is a market leading GPS/GSM Tracking & ManagementSystem SafeTrack allows you to manage your vehicles and driverswith precision. Know their exact whereabouts whilst increasingproductivity, saving time and money. The product is Britishdesigned and manufactured by Scorpion Automotive - a trusted brandestablished in vehicle security since 1973. Important Note: Thismobile app is for the exclusive use of customers of the SafeTrackTracking & Management System. SafeTrack tracker devices must beinstalled in your vehicle(s) in order for the app to operate andusers to access the product’s many features and benefits availablefrom both the app and a web-based portal. Safe & Sound Benefits· Drastically reduce your fleet costs with savings potential onfuel usage, overtime claims, unauthorised use, vehicle wear &tear and insurance. · Improve productivity by managing yourvehicles and drivers with precision using real time maps,dashboards and allocating work to drivers in closest proximity toyour customer’s locations. · Satisfy HMRC Regulations supportingprivate and business mileage reporting. · Improve customer serviceby empowering a pro-active and immediate response to yourcustomer’s needs. · Better fulfil Employer’s duty of care,regulatory and company policy compliance · Opt for InsuranceApproved, Thatcham accredited 24/7/365 Theft Monitoring andsuspicious activities including vehicle movement without ignitionand battery disconnections generate alerts to our MonitoringCentre. Our trained monitoring staff will contact you with vehiclemovement details in order to confirm a theft. In the event of atheft, the team closely co-ordinate with Police Forces throughoutthe country to track and secure the vehicle. Product Features ·Live mapping & updates showing vehicle positions, speed,bearing and ignition state · Know Exact Vehicle Locations - Oursystem converts every vehicle location into a meaningful address ·Full Google Maps & Street Integration · Customisable Dashboardand KPIs · Powerful Instant and Scheduled Reporting that can beviewed online or exported to PDF, Excel or HTML for furtherprocessing · Assign Vehicle Groups - Define, group and filter yourfleet by depot, type or purpose. · 24/7/365 Email and/or textMessage Alerts · Custom Geofences enabling you to designatespecific areas where your vehicles are allowed, prohibited or ameans of gauging arrival/departure times on your customer sites. ·Business and Private Mileage - Easily save and retrieve businessand private mileage reporting. · External Auxiliaries - Extendfunctionality by choosing from a range of custom controls andsensors for your specific business needs such as: door open/closedand panic buttons · Administration – Monitor and control exactlywhich actions each user of the system is allowed to perform throughpermission controlled access.
Trackerfit 1.0.0
Trackerfit is a market leading GPS/GSM Tracking &ManagementSystem Trackerfit allows you to manage your vehicles anddriverswith precision. Know their exact whereabouts whilstincreasingproductivity, saving time and money. The product isBritishdesigned and manufactured by Scorpion Automotive - a trustedbrandestablished in vehicle security since 1973. Important Note:Thismobile app is for the exclusive use of customers of theTrackerfitTracking & Management System. Trackerfit trackerdevices mustbe installed in your vehicle(s) in order for the app tooperate andusers to access the product’s many features and benefitsavailablefrom both the app and a web-based portal. TrackerfitBenefits ·Drastically reduce your fleet costs with savingspotential on fuelusage, overtime claims, unauthorised use, vehiclewear & tearand insurance. · Improve productivity by managingyour vehicles anddrivers with precision using real time maps,dashboards andallocating work to drivers in closest proximity toyour customer’slocations. · Satisfy HMRC Regulations supportingprivate andbusiness mileage reporting. · Improve customer servicebyempowering a pro-active and immediate response to yourcustomer’sneeds. · Better fulfil Employer’s duty of care,regulatory andcompany policy compliance · Opt for InsuranceApproved, Thatchamaccredited 24/7/365 Theft Monitoring andsuspicious activitiesincluding vehicle movement without ignitionand batterydisconnections generate alerts to our Monitoring Centre.Ourtrained monitoring staff will contact you with vehiclemovementdetails in order to confirm a theft. In the event of atheft, theteam closely co-ordinate with Police Forces throughoutthe countryto track and secure the vehicle. Product Features · Livemapping& updates showing vehicle positions, speed, bearingandignition state · Know Exact Vehicle Locations - Our systemconvertsevery vehicle location into a meaningful address · FullGoogle Maps& Street Integration · Customisable Dashboard andKPIs ·Powerful Instant and Scheduled Reporting that can be viewedonlineor exported to PDF, Excel or HTML for further processing ·AssignVehicle Groups - Define, group and filter your fleet bydepot, typeor purpose. · 24/7/365 Email and/or text Message Alerts· CustomGeofences enabling you to designate specific areas whereyourvehicles are allowed, prohibited or a means ofgaugingarrival/departure times on your customer sites. · BusinessandPrivate Mileage - Easily save and retrieve business andprivatemileage reporting. · External Auxiliaries - Extendfunctionality bychoosing from a range of custom controls andsensors for yourspecific business needs such as: door open/closedand panic buttons· Administration – Monitor and control exactlywhich actions eachuser of the system is allowed to perform throughpermissioncontrolled access.
Lotus Vehicle Tracker 1.0.4
Lotus, market leading vehicle tracking.
Acetrack 1.0.3
Acetrack, market leading vehicle tracking.